
There are many opportunities to get involved before the election and to help get Democrats elected. If you’re interested in helping, email region2demswc@gmail.com.

DOOR KNOCKING—Contact Democrats to check in, discuss candidates, and urge them to vote on Nov. 5 or by mail. A smartphone app provides addresses, a script, and a place to enter information about your conversations. Happening each weekend from now until the election.

DRIVING DOOR KNOCKERS—Use software app or printed list to take door knockers to selected houses in a precinct. Happening each weekend from now until the election, usually on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons.

PHONE BANKING—Talk to voters through a phone bank set up by PA Democrats or local organizer. A script is provided.

LITERATURE DROP—Deliver candidate literature to people’s doors. This is best done with a driver and a runner. Materials are not allowed to be placed in mailboxes. 

MAIL BALLOT CHASE—Beginning in mid Oct., we will call Democrats who have not yet returned their mail ballot, to remind them to do so. You will receive a list of local Democrats to contact and their phone numbers.

POLL WATCHER– On Election Day, you can either be an Outside poll watcher or an Inside poll watcher.  Outside you monitor people lined up to vote and anyone passing out literature for candidates.  Inside poll watchers need a poll watcher certificate from the Bureau of Elections (we will obtain for you). Training is needed.